Jeany Books gives birth to Penny Books.


Early Autumn, Cusla Books starts at The Royal Theatre at Kingston.


Early Summer, Cusla Books graduates at The Royal Theatre at Kingston.


Fenella Twinley is born

Cusla Books marries Mae Horn.


Mae Horn gives birth to Neville Books.


Late Summer, Joplin Twinley starts at The Royal Theatre at Kingstone to study at the conservatiory.


Late Summer, Finola Milies and Eileen Twinley start at The Royal Theatre at Kingstone to study at the ballet.



Midsummer, Joplin Twinley gets his first outbreak of genital pox.

At visit to his uncle Cusla Books at Larch Croft, he shows it to Marcus Bishof, who cannot think of anything else but wrapping his penis in leaves from sirens, and hope it will pass.



Late Summer, At Larch Croft, Eileen Twinley chage to the carriage of Bella Delaney. Sir Gareth of Lewinton and Eileen Twinley are kissing and cuddling goodbye.

Joplin Twinley helps his sister, Eileen Twinley with carrying her lugage and then he helps his nephew, Neville Books, who's going to start at The Royal Theatre this summer, Then he'd say'd goodbye to his sisters, Eileen and Fenella.

Then Joplin Twinley goes to Marcus Bishof to buy some leaves from sirens to take care of his genital pox, before he visits his uncle and aunt, Cusla and Mae Books.

Chrismas, Bella Delaney continues to Larch Croft, where Neville Books gets off.


Early Summer, Cusla Books recognizes Eileen Twinley, and asks for news about Neville Books. Eileen Twinley tells, she's traveling ahead with Sir Gareth of Lewinton, because Sir Gareth is going to a wedding at Malbourgh. But Neville will soon be coming.

Cusla Books suggests Sir Gareth of Lewinton, they shall take the brigde at the falls, and take the lower road around Lewinton to Malbourgh in stead of going over the mountains to Malbourgh.

Sir Gareth of Lewinton agees, and Malcom Mareton goes with him, to the stable to arrange the horses.

Meanwhile, Cusla Books starts playing and Eileen Twinley dance to his music. When Sir Gareth of Lewinton returns he enjoys watching Eileen Twinley dance, before they go to sleep.

Late Summer At Larch Croft, Bella Delaney is picking up Neville Books, before they all head strait for The Royal Theatre.


Midsummer At Larch Croft, Cusla and Mae Books join them party too, and they travel the last bit to Lewinton Castle.

Jeany Books would have liked to go too, but she's to old to do the voyage, so she stayed home.

Eileen Twinley becomes servant at Lewinton Castle.



Fenella Twinley finishes at The Royal Theatre at Kingstone to study at the ballet.


Early Summer, Neville Books graduates at The Royal Theatre in Kingstone.



Neville Books marries Sophia Harding.



Cusla Books dies.